Feel All the Feels

Feel all the feels

Currently the world is full of so many heartbreaking things. It seems unreal and hard to believe what is happening. But I do believe in the power of love, helping others and in the benefit of processing emotions. Processing helps us to pause, feel the emotions, and move into living a life of gratitude. Having gratitude for the many different things and emotions in life will bring us to a spot of living a life that is full and growing.


Feeling Instead of Numbing
You can’t selectively numb one emotion and not another. So when we numb pain, we also numb love, joy, happiness, etc. Go ahead, be human and feel!

Don’t Fight That Feeling
Struggling and fighting the feelings only leads us to further suffering, sadness and pain, instead be aware, allow the feeling to pass through your body.

Live Life Full
Part of living a full life is through feeling all your emotions, the good and the difficult.

Just Breathe
Breathing in essential oils can support your body, mind and spirit to process and feel all the feelings. So, grab an oil and just breathe.